Meaning Accumulated Income Payment
What does Accumulated Income Payment mean? Here you find 2 meanings of the word Accumulated Income Payment. You can also add a definition of Accumulated Income Payment yourself


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Accumulated Income Payment

or "AIP" means any amounts paid out of the Heritage Plans other than: (i) Educational Assistance Payments; (ii) refund of contributions to a subscriber; (iii) the repayment of CESG, CLB, QESI, ACES and SAGES; (iv) the payment to, or to a trust in favour of, a Designated Educational Institution; and (v) a payment to a trust holding [..]
Source: (offline)


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Accumulated Income Payment

This is a payment that subscribers get from income earned on money put into a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). It also includes income earned on Canada Education Savings Grants and Canada Learning Bonds.
Source: (offline)